Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mom and Me Breastfeeding Support Group Testimonial

Our Breastfeeding Support Group is encouraging not only to the Mothers who attend, but also to the Lactation Consultants who facilitate the groups. The below email came from our Forsyth group facilitator, with a note from a new group participant inserted.

"I just wanted you to know that the Mom and Me group in Forsyth is going great! (We had 15 last week.)  The group has really jelled and it has been amazing to watch them support and nurture each other!  They have a very active Facebook page (private) where they post questions to each other through the week!   I am so thrilled that we (Northside) were able to create an environment where this could happen!   For some moms, it is a lifesaver, not just a social group. Below is a post from a mom recently after joining us for the first time. Thank you for creating this environment. I am honored to be a part of this group!
Darlene Nabors"

"Hey everyone!!

I wanted to thank everyone I met Thursday for being so welcoming! I've had a rough 3 weeks postpartum as I've been sick the whole time and still maintaining nursing on top of it all- it has really taken a toll on me. I had literally just come from a meeting with my doctor where he told me I was on the road to postpartum depression if I didn't get things under control. It was fabulous to be a part of a group where I FINALLY felt normal! I'm looking forward to Thursday so much and appreciate the warm welcome for Harper and I. You are all God send and I appreciate you so much!!"

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