Tuesday, September 17, 2013

When preparing for your baby’s birth, consider these suggestions from Lamaze International
Let Labor Begin on Its Own: The research around induction of labor has become so convincing that many hospitals are clamping down on inductions that don’t have a strong, compelling medical reason. But not everyone has caught up with the research yet. Be wary of induction that’s suggested because your baby is “measuring big,” you’re a few day past your due date, or your mom wants to schedule her travel. For the best chance at a healthy baby and healthy mom, it’s best to let your baby and your body tell you when it’s time.
Walk, Move Around and Change Positions Throughout Labor: In childbirth, gravity is your friend. It helps to move your baby down and makes it easier for your baby to fit and rotate. Movement is also a natural and active way to manage labor pain.
Bring a Loved One, Friend, or Doula for Continuous Support: Doctors, midwives and nurses work hard to meet the needs of their patients. But few women find a care provider who will stay by their side throughout labor. A continuous support person, such as your partner or a doula, can help you feel safer and more comfortable, and help your labor progress.

Keep Mother and Baby Together- It’s Best for Mother, Baby and Breastfeeding: During pregnancy, you and your little one were inseparable. Continuing that important connection after birth is best for you and your healthy baby. Skin-to-skin contact helps your healthy baby stay warm, cry less, and be more likely to breastfeed. In fact, interrupting, delaying, or limiting the time that you spend together may have a harmful effect on your relationship and on successful breastfeeding.

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